Kids & Youth

•We want our youth to have mentors—The Impact would be to have someone trusting to talk to about emotions, career choices, self-esteem, finances, and identity issues. Youth mentors would lead to the youth having someone to look up to and to help make better life decisions.
•We want our youth to join peer groups. The youth would come to together to express themselves in a safe haven. The impact would to be for the youth able to be express themselves and address issues that affect them.
•We want the youth to participate in social outlets like movie nights, roller skating, lock-ins, youth conferences, and college tours. The social outlets would allow the youth make real instead of “virtual” connections and relationships with like-minded peers.
•We want the youth to be disciples—impact would be to build them up in biblical principles such as purpose, identity, and witnessing. It would also create peer discipleship opportunities to help other youth with their issues.