Greetings, Guests and Church Family!
We are glad that you are considering joining us for worship services again, BUT be advised that the following behavioral practices are REQUIRED for attending service during the COVID-19 Crisis, for your safety and the safety of others. Please make sure YOUR CHILDREN also abide by these practices.
1. If YOU or ANYONE in your household has a fever, flu-like symptoms, or other specific symptoms of COVID-19, or has been around people with these symptoms or with a positive test for COVID-19, please STAY at HOME.
2. Please wear a mask and keep it over your mouth and nose at all times, even and especially while singing.
3. Keep SIX (6) FEET of Distance Between You and Others AT ALL TIMES, whether standing or sitting. Do not hug or touch others.
4. Keep all sneezes and coughs inside your mask.
5. Thoroughly wash and/or sanitize your hands often and avoid touching your face.